Kristina Ti TULUM - One piece cut animalier
Kristina Ti TULUM - One piece cut animalier saldi | Abbigliamento
Abbigliamento / Kristina Ti / Kristina Ti TULUM - One piece cut animalier saldi
Marca: Kristina Ti
Tipo di prodotto: Abbigliamento
Categoria: Swimwear
Taglia: 40, 42, 44
There was something magical about an island: that word was enough to excite the imagination. (Agatha Christie).Bold character for the entire zebra print to be fastened on the front, which covers and reveals the skin with sensual porthole cuts on the front and sides.
Mia is 69 in. tall and in the pictureTULUM - Whole cut animalier she is wearing a size 40.MADE IN ITALYKRISTINA TI AKUA is a partner of the Green Future Project whose mission is to reverse the effects of climate change, preserving the planet for current and future generations.